We interrupt this thoughtful blog in its usual considerations of philosophy, current events, and literature to bring you this stupid picture that tickles the little eight-year-old Fred within.
The awning is apparently Photoshopped; I can't tell you how sorry I am to report that. But even with my knowing this, it still got the Butt-Head (from Beavis & Butt-Head) laughs out of me. Huh huh... huh huh... huh huh...
Sadly, despite my career as a dazzling urbanite and a shining sophisticate, at heart I am still a child who laughs at this kind of semi-scatological humor. Take, for example, this flyer that came with the gas company bill for the month.
Now, I know a gas leak is nothing to laugh about. It can explode, burst into flame, or just suffocate you if it's feeling kindly. And I understand that the gas company is trying to use simple figures here for the sake of people in our area who don't read. These symbols, as explained inside, mean Gas - Smell - Run - Call. Easy to remember.
Ah, but oh so easy to use for humor purposes.
See what I mean? I don't think this is what they mean by being "young at heart," but it's all I got and I guess I'm stuck with it.
Or should I say "young at fart"? Huh huh... huh huh... huh huh...
One item that still activates my inner Butt-Head is a character named "Big Dick Brannigan".
There was a morning FM radio jock in Washington, D.C. in the 80s named Doug Tracht who went by the moniker "The Greaseman". He'd make up impromptu vignettes about characters he'd created, complete with sound effects. Mr Brannigan was one such character, and to this day it can make me snicker.
Perhaps your reader PeaceLoveWoodstock may remember him.
If you look at the gas company flyer with the right attitude, the cell phone in the last panel looks sorta like a spray can -- of air freshener, I suppose.
My attitude must be similar to yours, Fred.
I remember Greaseman very well ... he liked his bone-dry martinis on the Good Ship Grease once the weekend arrived.
He used to riff on the song "Black Slacks" which was a Number 1 hit for the Sparkletones in 1958, but the version he used was different, IDK who it was, I know Robert Gordon covered it, but it wasn't his version either.
Here's a pretty good medley of his schtick, this brings back fond memories: https://youtu.be/cN7ULgLBEec
Greaseman aside, first thing I thought of when I saw the gas company poster was a college buddy who had discovered that farts were flammable. At any time (in the dorm) without warning, he would flop onto the floor on his back, raise his legs over his head, whip out a bic lighter and ignite a blast. That worked pretty well to clear the room but at the same time it was funny as hell.
He later gave up the practice, he confessed that a solo effort one time had resulted in some collateral damage.
Greaseman had a brief career in NYC in the 1990s if I recall... Googling... Nope, he was syndicated to New York for a while. Seems like a guy who always managed to self-detonate by saying exactly the worst thing at the worst time.
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