Improve Back Better |
Fred talks about writing, food, dogs, and whatever else deserves the treatment.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Monkey wrenches.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Eat the children!
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The Angel of Death prepares to bite the head off a little girl |
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How can a ghost have stitches? I always heard "Witches get stitches." Or something like that. |
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Stack o' skulls and the Murder Clown Acrobatic Team |
Monday, October 28, 2024
Battle of the cheesians!
Like a lot of Americans, my wife got through college with the help of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. The same is true for Canadians, except for them it was Kraft Dinner. Same powdered cheese product, different name. Beloved staple of families with young children, immortalized in the Barenaked Ladies' classic song "If I Had $1000000."
But is Kraft Mac & Cheese (as it is styled now) still the big boy on the block? The kids who used to demand it for dinner are adults now, and do they want something more out of a boxed side dish like this (or in a pinch, a main course)?
That's what my wife asked when she heard about a product called Goodles, a new contender trying to take on the old pro. Goodles isn't the first to try -- Annie's Homegrown has been at it since 1989 (now owned by Nestlé) and corners the organic market. Goodles' gimmick is higher nutrition, though. Specifically higher protein.
But is it really better than Kraft?
We thought we'd find out.
In the left corner, the reigning champion, Box Blue, Old Faithful, your childhood reliable... Kraft Mac & Cheese!
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Kraft |
Friday, October 25, 2024
Scary time.
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Hallowhine |
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Dips and drips.
As long as there have been people and language, there have been ways to call people losers. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
English has a very impressive list of synonyms for losers. For starters, Merriam-Webster gives us disaster, failure, catastrophe, disappointment, bust, flop, washout, bomb, fiasco, has-been, mess, lemon, miss, dud, shipwreck, debacle, clunker, turkey, débâcle, bummer, fizzle, clinker, frost, also-ran, dog, hash, shambles, botch, near miss, nonevent, nonstarter, muddle. That doesn't include others like never-was, failure to launch, useless, trainwreck, wet match, doofus, wet lettuce, dip, and drip. Also, fill in your own favorite. To the connoisseur they have their differences; a turkey is more annoying than an also-ran, a bomb more of a spectacular loser than a near miss. Whether they tried and failed or failed from lack of trying, or even (like the has-been) have enjoyed past success, they have this in common right now: failure.
Monday, October 21, 2024
When it's bad, it ain't bad enough.
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Yeah, there I am. |
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Stunad time.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Whither Fred?
Monday, October 14, 2024
Friday, October 11, 2024
When life gives you lemons…
…smash them lemons, I say! And make iced tea!
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Yellow to make you think lemony thoughts |
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
For the birds.
Dog Izzy and I often have wildlife encounters on our little adventures. Usually squirrels and deer, although we've had near-misses with skunks and racoons and foxes, and that bear I mentioned a couple of weeks ago is still hanging around. Izzy usually has no interest in any of them.
Birds being birds, one usually does not get close enough to them to have a tête-à-tête. But then we came upon this guy.
He (I'm assuming it's a male, since it's got some color) ain't from around here. You may know what he is. I had to look it up. This is a budgie, native to Australia. Specifically this appears to be a recessive pied budgerigar, unless I miss my guess, going by the experts at the Budgie Academy. And since he didn't hitchhike here from Adelaide, I suppose he is someone's escaped pet bird.
I have a feeling he's not going to make it in the wild. He was picking at something by the road and failed to notice the giant nose of my dog until it was close enough to inhale some feathers. Then, alarmed, the bird flew off like an arrow, peeping in panic. I'm glad his wings had not been clipped, although that would explain how he escaped -- one seldom sees pet birds shinnying down drainpipes.
Can he survive a New York winter? Can he find food to his taste? Can he avoid being eaten by our local predators? Will he die pining for the scrublands, unable to find a mate in this asphalt jungle? Good luck, pal -- they say everything in Australia is trying to kill everything else, so I hope that means you have some good survival techniques.
This crow, for one, did not.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a dead crow before. They seem to be too annoying to die. And yet, this one is not sunbathing. The funny thing is, with all the scavengers around here, including its fellow crows, nothing has gone after it but the bugs. Maybe crow meat just sucks.
Even the homeowners upon whose property the crow rests aren't interested in getting rid of the corpse. Or, as I have found from these folks on occasion, they are oblivious to anything outside their home beyond the walkway and the driveway.
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Package for you! |
Well, if they give the grass another cut before the fall gets fully engaged, they're in for a surprise. I might have done a good deed and performed the last rites myself, but the wasps had gotten involved in the corpus and I'm sensitive to yellowjacket venom.
Man has always envied birds for their flight, but it's not an easy life. You have to eat a lot to survive and power that flight -- half their own weight each day -- and everything is still trying to kill you, including other birds. I think I'd even rather take my chances with Boeing.
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Education and frustration.
Friday, October 4, 2024
The end of an era.
There were no fees for the store cards, and so I held on to them year after year, using them occasionally. I canceled the Sears card when, essentially, Sears got canceled. But I used the Penney's card at least a couple of times a year. You could get deals, and the clothes usually looked pretty good on me. "Pretty good" is the best I can hope for; the clothes can only make so much of the man after all.
Thursday, October 3, 2024
What's cooking?
The machine stopped on its own again, but the smoke continued, so I carefully reached for the plug. All I could think of was that warning video I'd posted a couple of years ago about the hideous dangers of the electrical components of microwave ovens. Fortunately, I was (spoiler alert!) not electrocuted, or even mildly shocked.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
The path ahead.
It's used for walking, biking, jogging -- the usual low-tech path stuff. Well made, I think, dotted with benches, running through the wooded areas of several towns. It goes almost twenty miles along the former railway line. It's popular, and it's an example of the kind of things local governments can do well.
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voilà |