Monday, February 25, 2019

Music of the ice.

People who live in southern climes, as in the sunny everyday perfection of Southern California, Sicily, or Ecuador, probably think we're idiots for living in places where you have to wrap yourself up like a shipment of china to go outside and you still lose the feeling in your fingers in five minutes.

Well, maybe they are right. Say all we want about cold weather making us tougher, challenging us, but sometimes it seems pretty hard, especially around middle to late February. 

But sometimes it's a little magical. 

Icicles are always cool

🐇 tracks!

Grabbed the hedge to steady myself; was like a
fistful of frozen marbles


Li'l ice babies swaddled in repurposed leaves

Water behaves in strange and intriguing ways when it hovers around freezing. It can even be musical. Oh, yes; we had an inch or so of snow followed by freezing rain, which left us with a musical magical shell of ice to kick down the backyard slope. Junior dog Nipper loved it. 

I'm saying all these nice things about winter today because I'm not going to have a single nice thing to say about ice, or snow, or winter for the rest of the week. We're just getting started here.


Stiiv said...

Those sounds are musical, like tuned percussion.

That's PER-cussion, not CON-cussion, Fred. ;>


Mongo919 said...

Woo hoo, he's back! I missed getting my RDA of Vitamin Fred!

peacelovewoodstock said...

Seriously, Vitamin Fred deficiency can cause numbness in the legs, hands, or feet; problems with walking and balance; anemia; fatigue; weakness; a swollen, inflamed tongue; memory loss; paranoia; and hallucinations.

Come to think of it, about the same as a whiskey surplus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Welcome back.

Janet Roesler said...

Thanks for coming back to us.

Sandyprice said...

Welcome back, Fred!

That video did about as much for me as most of those "ASMR" things on Youtube that apparently thrill some people.

You're welcome to it.

Dan said...

Welcome back. Missed your commentary. Hope you're much better. (Was glad to see your pill over at the Bleat -- even with the head bandage.)

Dan. (aka OldFert)

FredKey said...

Thank you all very much! And yes, Spring cannot get here too soon for me!