I don't think that I'm really worthy to make any comments on English royalty, being an American. There were reasons beyond the crimes of George III that we wanted out of the empire, but man, did we give George the business in the Declaration of Independence.
Still, I am glad that the royal family remains a rallying point for many Brits who love their country. Genuine patriotism is a genuine good, and is being steadily killed by the people who run countries, and to hell with that. I also don't care if the royals stole stuff from other cultures, diamonds and whatever. All top dogs tend to be very grabby, and if they were better at it than the heads of other nations, too bad. If the tables were reversed and the Great Emeralds of Yorkshire (can you imagine such a thing?) were held by the Chinese, say, hell would freeze over before Yorkshire got them back.
But today I'm writing as an American a little annoyed by Americans' interest in the whole Royals saga and spectacle. Yeah, it's history, but when you get down to it, it's really institutionalized celebrity and worship of wealth, all tied up with a cord made of Disney/Hallmark culture and a cord made of soap operatic mishmash. Something for everyone, I guess. It's happy fun royalty, with all the dough and pomp but without the teeth. Charles III may be able to have someone bumped off if he really needs it done, but it won't be legal and it won't be public. No hanging of his enemies and leaving the bodies to rot on display at Execution Dock.
Many Americans may think they would like to be a king or queen, but these people really would not want to live under the rule of one. If they think they would, ask if they'd like a King Joe or King Donald. One or the other would make them throw up. There's only one way peasants can get rid of a tyrannical family, and it's not an outpatient procedure.
Well, the job's done, Charles is installed, and I didn't watch a bit of the Coronation, although I was up early enough.
Speaking of the kingship not having any teeth: People who did watch the show tell me that Chuck 3 doesn't look too healthy, a much older 74 than his mum was at that age in 2000. I trust the gang at the Crown Jewel room in the Tower of London has Wills's hat size on file. Might need to resize some crowns soon, is all I'm saying.
When I think about things like monarchy, I try to put myself in the place of those in the country where the king or queen reigns. Those opposed generally tend to be rather Bolshevik.
ReplyDeleteOf course in America we have communists who refer to the War For Independence as "the American Revolution" like a bunch of Marxist radicals.
(In case you hadn't noticed, I have a low tolerance for lefties.)
I didn't watch the coronation either, but you have to admit the shenanigans of the Royal Hillbillies do provide great entertainment at absolutely no cost to us Americans...
ReplyDeleteI was wagering that QEII was going to outlive the prince.
ReplyDeleteI share your annoyance at some Americans' obsession with British royalty. A mild interest, fine. Seeing it as entertainment, yes. But loving it? I just don't get it.