Monday, May 8, 2023

One memey moisty morning.

Greetings, my friends! The weekend was acceptably lovely and busy. I did pick the winner of the Kentucky Derby, but only because a friend of mine was once really into an independent comic book by the same name. Alas, I put no money on the horse. Did I spread mulch this weekend? Yes sir, I did. Just ask my back! 

Today, I offer fresh picked memes to start your week. Don't all hurrah at once. 


Thanks to fellow Bleatnik rbj13 for the otter picture

Maybe it comes with the name?


  1. The last time I mulched our place it took 85 bags, delivered on a pallet to mulch all the mulchy places on our lot. It took 3 weekends. After each day I was filthy, drenched in sweat, and completely beat. I thought - I can get this sweaty and worn out with an hour of weight lifting, without all the dirt. Since then, I pay a trio of laborers to do it and they're done in one day. And they not only mulch, they prune, trim, edge, and haul all the clippings and junk away. As an added bonus, I get to try out my Spanglish!

  2. "You-o mulch-o the yard-o." ;>

  3. Glad to see that picture put to good use

