Thursday, November 24, 2022

Viral holiday!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American readers! And as I mentioned yesterday, even if you're not in America or hate America or whatever, I hope you can still find something good to be grateful for today. 

I hope no one's plans are ruined because of the Chinese Death Virus -- Year #3 of it ruining almost everything, and enabling bad actors to ruin everything else. I'm glad I'm not a Foxconn factory worker in China, where it sounds like they're going through absolute hell with months of lockdowns in the factory. I'd like to point that out to people who despair that a representative government is bad at getting things done -- here you go, here's an example of things getting done in the other kind of government. Good job, Apple! 

So I'm glad I don't live under the ChiComs. 

I'm also grateful that when it came to sickness at Thanksgiving, the worst I can remember starting the day with was a cold. I feel like I had a cold every Thanksgiving when I was a kid, and I probably did. There are more than 200 rhinoviruses that bring us the colds we enjoy, and I guess I had them all by the time I was 12. Of course, my immune system forgot about them as we went along and we had to start all over again. I just remember a lot of car drives on rainy, chilly mornings to Thanksgiving afternoons at relatives' homes, feeling pretty crappy. However, I loved my family, and I loved pie, and I apologize to my family for bringing cold viruses into their homes. 

As to the pie, I regret nothing. 

It was kinda sucky to be sick on the morning of Thanksgiving, but they'd let me nap if necessary and I would rally. Much worse was to be sick day after Thanksgiving because the turkey had salmonella or the baby that was brought over to visit had norovirus. 

Either way, it was good to have the Friday off. 

Sick or not, eating pie or not, I hope you can find some joy, maybe even some fun on this most spiritual of national holidays. We're here, we're not faced with lockdowns or enemies sieging our ports, we're not personally on fire (well, I'm not), and we're able to read wonderful blog posts. Who's got it better than us?


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to our Fred, & all the rest of you Vitamin Fredsters!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving.

    I am sure I have had colds on Thanksgiving but the most miserable thing was getting a wisdom tooth yanked a week or so before Thanksgiving. It was the only tooth extraction that ever cause me a lot of pain.
