Wednesday, November 23, 2022

New PilGRIM sequel.

It's been quite some time, but there's a new entry in everyone's favorite bloody massacre of a Thanksgiving XBox game: PilGRIM III! 


Of course it's a fake sequel to the original fake game and the first fake sequel. I almost wish I could try these. I don't usually play violent video games, but I think to get in the spirit of the day it would be worth a try. Pretty sure a zombie turkey would take me out in no time, though.  

But it wouldn't kill my appetite, however gory. As the meme says:

So as for eating, I wish you a very delightful Thanksgiving feast tomorrow, and if you are not American, well, I wish you something to be thankful for even if it's not your holiday. I'll have something for you on the blog Thursday, although I have no idea what. On Friday, probably indigestion.

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