Saturday, April 23, 2022


I've mentioned Mike "Flangepart" Weller in these parts before, because parts is parts, and because he is a very funny chap. This is one of his recent posters, from the comments of the Great Lileks's site:

The Quisling Mascot is a longtime point of discussion on the site -- the cheerful animated food mascot that sends its fellows to their doom in the hope of being eaten last, or not at all. The name of course comes from Vidkun Quisling, the Norwegian traitor who was the Nazis’ puppet prime minister in Norway.

This was a fake poster of particular interest to me. My novel Larry and the Mascots features advertising mascots brought to life by some mysterious means, and one of them, featured on the revised cover below, is a quisling pig named Hamswell, mascot for Holmswell Pork and Canned Meats. 

Hamswell turns to the dark side, driven by his hatred of the humans that he feels made him the traitor that he is. Some of the mascots are friendly, and others are warped, and Hamswell is one of the most warped. He would have appreciated the idea of Quisling's Fried Chicken.

I highly recommend my book, of course, because the mystery of the murderous pig is only one of the delights you'll find inside. Who else will our hero encounter? The Jolly Green Giant? Bob's Big Boy? The Scrubbing Bubbles? I won't go so far as to say that reading my books will make you taller and better looking, but they'll entertain you, and in this era of entertainment that fails to entertain, that ain't nothing. 

Plus, no pigs have been harmed in the making of this product. Or chickens.

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