Monday, April 25, 2022

Fictional Planet or Brand-Name Prescription Drug--Round Two!


Ming the Merciless, Ruler of Planet Mongo, Invites You to Play Another Round of ... 

Fictional Planet or Brand-Name Prescription Drug!

Did you pass the last test? Well, you had best do well this time, or it's the ice mines for you! 

1. Lenvima

2. Felina

3. Aloxi

4. Quadritop

5. ZR-3

6. Durla

7. Skaro

8. Altabax

9. Priplanus 

10. Carillon

11. Wera

12. Felbatol

13. Mometamax

14. Arianus

15. Druidia

16. Thra

17. Altair IV

18. Xudar

19. Brodo Asogi

20. Duetact



1. Lenvima: Drug -- kinase inhibitor (lenvatinib)

2. Felina: Planet -- ruled by the villainous Overcat in Underdog

3. Aloxi: Drug -- injectable anti-nausea drug (palonosetron)

4. Quadritop: Drug -- topical antibiotic with four ingredients, for dogs and cats 

5. ZR-3: Planet -- home of the bickering androids (played by Ruth Buzzi and Jim Nabors) in the Krofft show The Lost Saucer

6. Durla: Planet -- home of Chameleon Boy from DC's Legion of Super Heroes

7. Skaro: Planet -- original home of the Daleks from Dr. Who

8. Altabax: Drug -- retapamulin, an ointment for impetigo

9. Priplanus: Planet -- home of the Robinsons in the first season of Lost in Space

10. Carillon: Planet -- in the original Battlestar Gallactica, home of the buglike Ovions

11. Wera: Drug -- oral contraceptive

12. Felbatol: Drug -- a potent antiepileptic (felbamate)

13. Mometamax: Drug -- combination therapy; canine use only, for ear infections

14. Arianus: Planet -- from everyone's favorite Star Trek (original) episode, "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" (or, "Half a Frank Gorshin Is Better Than None")

15. Druidia: Planet -- the nice one from Spaceballs, led by King Roland

16. Thra: Planet -- from The Dark Crystal, the weirdest Muppet movie of them all, including the one with Bowie

17. Altair IV: Planet -- the planet that is forbidden in Forbidden Planet. Kudos if you weren't taken in by thinking IV was intravenous rather than 4.

18. Xudar: Planet -- home of Tomar-Re, a member of the Green Lantern Corps in DC comics

19. Brodo Asogi: Planet -- the home of E.T., not mentioned in the film E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial, but used in a novel based on the movie and elsewhere 

20. Duetact: Drug -- combo drug for type 2 diabetes (pioglitazone and glimepiride)


20 -- You're either a huge drug addict or a huge nerd; either way, get help, minion!

15-19 -- Ming admires your knowledge and offers you a place in his oppressive organization. You will learn to wreck planetary economies with viruses and inflation while you cause chaos by letting violent criminals run in the streets. Ha! Ha ha! HA HA HA HA HA!

10-14 -- Ming tells you to study more and has you flung out into the space dumpster.

6-9 -- Ming scoffs and tells you to go back to school. He also calls you a blockhead and a nincompoop, which makes you cry a little. Then he has you thrown into the space dumpster.

1-5 -- Ming sends you to work in the ice mines. Ming likes his frozen daquiris, and he drinks a lot of them, so you'll be very busy mining ice for him. HA HA HA HA HA!


  1. Next iteration could be "Fictional Planet or Brand-Name Prescription Drug or Chinese Brand Name on Amazon"

    E.g., Minwind, Xinway, Bearbro, Homitt, Hiraly, OneBom and many many more like these.

  2. Ha! Ha! Ming likes the way you think! You can be in charge of the blender!

  3. I guess our "president" must have scored 19. He's certainly done all that and more.
