Saturday, December 12, 2020

Took the last can of Noo Yawk hash.

So in addition to getting an Emmy for his portrayal of a tough-tawking asshole, lahge and in chahge, while sending COVID-infected patients to kill grannies in nursing homes, our illustrious Governor Sonny Corleone has received the Edward M. Kennedy Award for Inspired Leadership. And I think that's just great. Teddy is best remembered now as a driving force, literally driving into the river and leaving his girlfriend to die in the car. Cuomo is driving our state with the same vision and apparently the same goal.

I suspect that Cuomo's book American Crisis: How I Screwed New York and Killed Thousands Who Didn't Need to Die (I may have the subtitle wrong) will also garner a lot of awards. I remember how the Grammys sucked up to Obama by tossing awards at him for reading the books he “wrote” (much in the way Teddy's brother Jack "wrote" Profiles in Courage). Cuomo narrated his audiobook, which may have been the first time he ever read it. I am sure the Grammys will toss him an award too.

The Grannys, however, will probably not. His policies bumped off thousands of them.

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