Thursday, November 12, 2020

Sad mayoral history.

I thought the graphic below from National Review was very interesting, especially to those who keep wondering why their cities suck so hard. The point is not that Republicans do such an awesome job, but that one-party systems have no incentive to provide any service. 

You will notice that the last row is an important addition from yours truly. Fixed it for ya, NR

For those who would like more information about the administrations of Bradley Stokes and Dave the Orangutan, I refer you to the following texts: 

Detective Comics 179 (January 1952): 

(NB: I know Bruce Wayne is "Mayor of Gotham City" in this issue, but it's just a stunt by Stokes where prominent citizens get to be Mayor for a Week when he goes on vacation -- Bruce didn't have the time or authority to do much. Clever fund-raising gimmick, Stokes.)

2000 AD 366-443 (1984-1985): 

(NB: Dave would die tragically as part of an insurance fraud murder, but he is still remembered as one of the most popular mayors Mega-City One ever had.)


  1. An orangutan would represent a monumental IQ increase for most American big city mayors. Other than having some primal instinct for schmoozing, kissing or kicking butts, and lying with a straight face to get elected, they are hopelessly ill-equipped intellectually to effectively manage the complex organizations which they "lead". They would drive a profit-oriented company into receivership in very short order.

  2. I agree, Mongo. Dave was said to be friendly, honest (orangutans don't double-deal), and never enacted a stupid, unkillable program. Unlike our big-city mayors, who have anti-skills -- skills that actually make everything worse.
