Friday, November 13, 2020

Fred gets results!

You may remember last year when I went bonkers over a minor thing that was none of my business. All right, that doesn't narrow it down very much. What I was mad about was the cheapassery involved with a house that was being flipped. The flippers took out a glorious old light fixture, one that showed off a gorgeous vertical window, and replaced it with a cheapjack kitchen table fixture. 

Time marched on, and no one bought the house. Then one day in the spring I noticed that the cheapass fixture had been replaced by a more expensive one, although one still too dull and small for the showplace window. 

Couldn't really get a nice shot, but this one is triangular with an unusual fiery bulb. Okay, well, better anyhow. Not so cheap. 

A couple of months later the For Sale sign was gone and lots of activity was seen on the grounds. 

In the end, the new owners put in this: 

Well, all right! It's a big eyecatcher, which is just what the space needs. It is the first thing one notices about the house from the street and it deserves something special. 

I still think it's not long enough. The space is narrow and high, and would be better served by something similar, like maybe:

But hey, I don't have to live with it. I'm glad they've improved what the flipper put in. 

Now, I hope they don't suffer for all the cheap structural "improvements" made to the house as well. 

Of course, I'm still not happy. The new owners are building some sort of arbor at the front of the main door that looks terrible. Why, if I weren't an uninterested party with no stake in the outcome, I'd have words with them. But as it is, I will just continue silently judging, like everybody else.


  1. There used to be one of those "if so-and-so married so-and-so, they'd be ... " involving Crystal Gayle, Raymond Chandler, and Norman Lear .. you can figure it out.

    Doesn't work so well today because apparently (at least according to Google), there are numerous "Crystal Chanda Lear"s out there.

  2. I wish I could post one of Stiiv's "Ouch, Man"s here, PLW.
