Saturday, September 19, 2020

Lost amid plenty.

My favorite supermarket is completely rejiggering itself. Walls painted, floors replaced, and most of all, departments moved around willy-nilly. Meanwhile, it's open for your shopping pleasure! 

Pleasure is not the word. This kind of thing brings out my inner Rain Man. 

Here's a simplified -- well, maybe stupified -- map of the store layout to which I have grown accustomed over more than a decade. 

When the weekly list is set, I rewrite it in the order of the aisles as I will encounter them. I might say I could shop it in my sleep. I couldn't quite shop it blindfolded, because a can of corn feels much like a can of peas. But if I did shop it blindfolded, I would probably bring home stuff we would use. I wouldn't be groping blindly for canned tomatoes in the cleaning goods aisle.

But that was before. I can't quite figure out what the final plan is supposed to be now. Something like this:

It doesn't make any sense. Worst of all, things were in the process of being moved while I was shopping, so some products wound up in multiple aisles while others were nowhere to be found. 

I appreciate that they want to update the look of the place and make it fresh and clean, but I wish they'd taken the hit and closed entirely until it was done. But there were probably good reasons beyond just money lost that they chose not to do that. 

I will have to avoid them for a couple more weeks until I'm sure it's all over. Maybe a month. They're certainly doing this now to get ready for the big Halloween / Thanksgiving / Christmas / New Year blob that brings in the big dough, and they'll surely be done with the reno by the middle of October.

At least that is my hope. I hate when I have to curl up on the floor in Frozen Foods out of sheer anxiety. The managers aren't keen on it either.


  1. Ugh, our go-to pulled that a couple of years ago, added 15 minutes to each shopping trip for a while, until I got the new lay of the land sorted.

    It's like Helen Keller's parents rearranging the furniture in her room just for laughs.

    Well, maybe almost.

    R.I.P. R.G.B. and buckle up, as dial is about to go to eleven on media hysteria and TDS.

  2. Our place rearranges aisles about every 12 months. I'm sure they get a sales boost from doing so, as people make impulse purchases when in an unfamiliar layout.

    I thought Notorious RGB had been put on some sort of suspended animation device by the DNC until November. Maybe they forgot to pay the bill this month.

  3. I expect the rumors that Trump personally pulled out the plug on the life support to start making the rounds.
