Saturday, November 30, 2019

Tick tock!

In 2018, Thanksgiving fell on November 22, the earliest possible date it can fall. A year later it was November 28, the latest possible date. This trick of the calendar has made it seem as if Christmas is almost a full week earlier, as if we misplaced six days somewhere and Christmas is now on December 19. Better get ho-ho-hoin' if we're gonna get it all done!

Personally, I suggest running on eggnog. Well, it works for Steyn, anyway.


  1. Most egg nog (& other kinds of nog) have nutmeg as an ingredient...nutmeg is a psychoactive chemical, which might explain "Christmas cheer". Just sayin'. ;>

    (You'd have to eat a double handful of nutmeg to feel any drug-like effect.)

  2. I put a little nutmeg in the creamed spinach on Thanksgiving; it adds a nice mellowness to the tryptophan buzz.

  3. I think I see a successor to the Cinnamon Challenge....
