Thursday, June 21, 2018

Lament for Wile E.

I feel like I walked off the side of a cliff
In the moment before I should fall
The view is astounding, the air is so clear
Beneath me is nothing, inside me is fear
Just a brief pause, and then the disaster will meet me
Way far below are the rocks that will greet me
Perhaps if I run more and pinwheel my thighs
I can make it across the blank air of this gap.
My ambition was humble, but great was my pride
Now foolish to think I can run to that side
For there's nothing for feet to grab on in the skies.
And the time is now come when, with face cast in pall
Shall with eyes wide in terror--the soft moment snap--
Plummet below while I wonder what if
I should have stayed hungry, eschewed the renown
Or run through the air, and never looked down.

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