Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Let's level with Daredevil.

Comics dorks are well aware that Marvel Comics' character Daredevil, in addition to being the basis of a lousy Ben Affleck movie and a better Netflix TV show, is a blind superhero whose other senses are so super-enhanced that he functions on a super-duper level. How enhanced? He can tell how long ago a doorknob was touched by the residual warmth of the hand of the guy who touched it. He can tell how many grains of salt are on a pretzel by the taste. He can balance on a fingertip.

Now that's enhanced.

The immediate problem that presents itself about super senses is... how do you turn them off? Let's say his wife snores. Well, what's he going to do? Sneak off the guest room? He could hear her down the block

Can you imagine how bad it would be to have super-smell powers in the subway? 

I'm sure plenty of issues in the last 53 years have dealt with this, and that he can control it and blah blah blah. Nothing original on this blog about that. (I wonder if they ever did an issue where he had a bad cold? He'd be at half-strength. Marvel would have done that in the 60's, maybe, but not now. Now they're probably trying to figure out a way to turn him female.)

Anyway: I was thinking of other things Daredevil might be able to do that the comics may not have explored. For instance:

ψ     He can tell the color of the M&M by tasting it.

ψ     He can Believe It's Not Butter.

ψ     He can tell if you washed after using the can by the feel of your hand.

ψ     He knows by the smell that the Netflix series is better than the Affleck movie was.

One is like bacon, the other like
bacon air freshener.
ψ     He can tell the air pressure in each tire of the car while riding in it.

ψ     And he can drive that car through rush hour traffic by ear.

ψ     That guy who overdoes the Axe spray on your bus? He can smell him from space.

ψ     Thanks to excellent taste, he prefers Handel to Tchaikovsky.

ψ     He can tell that your tie clashes with your shirt by the sound.

ψ     He can tell what you ate by the timbre of your stomach growling.

ψ     He can feel Spider-Man's Spider Sense tingling, and does not like it.

ψ     No SBD can fool him.

ψ     And he knows who dealt it.

So it's pretty cool that he can do that stuff. As for me, my only sense developed beyond normal human sense is my extraordinary sense of humor. Not that you'd know it by this blog, though.

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