Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Things I hope you don't hear today.

"You got a letter from the IRS."

"It's an emergency company-wide meeting."

"We have to talk."

THUNK THUNK THUNK [from automobile]

"You should get that looked at."


"Ooh, that ain't gonna be cheap."

"Well, we can probably save some of your teeth."

"You have the right to remain silent..."

“They’re going to name a disease after you.”

“In my office. Now."

“I wanted to warn you, but it’s too late anyway.”

"Everybody's mad at you."

"This is NOT A TEST of the Emergency Broadcast System."

"It's the worst case of [FILL IN BLANK] I've ever seen, that's for sure."


"So... Remember last Saturday? Well, I just tested positive..."

Any Bon Jovi song.

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