Sunday, October 29, 2023


I'm overarmed and overprepared for Halloween, because I don't want to have a repeat of years before -- dashing out the door as the candy supplies dwindle and the dog is going nuts and my wife frantically holds down the fort while I rush to the supermarket where only Christmas candy is available on Halloween night.

I've never had a kid with a teal pumpkin, but I respect that some of our plucky urchins have food allergies, and always try to have verified safe nut- and peanut-free treats available. Which is one of the reasons I bought the Justice League Candy Sticks. 

The sack holds forty little boxes, each one with pictures of the heroes of DC's Justice League -- Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Batman, Cyborg, Aquaman. That is, only the ones who appeared in the movie. Traditional members like Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter did not make the cut. 

Each box contains two little "candy sticks." But what are those? If you're an adult and you've been one for a while, these should look familiar. 

You got it -- candy cigarettes. Basically nothing but sugar with a little flavoring, not that the kids mind. They used to put a little red dye on one end for your "light." My wife actually called it before I even opened the little box: "That sounds just like candy cigarettes." She could tell by the rattle in the box.

We're counting on the kids to have no knowledge of history and just eat them, instead of walking around holding them in their fingers, pretending to be smoking. But who knows? These things are still sold as candy cigs, mostly in foreign countries where no one cares if you smoke, unlike in this Great Land of Liberty. You can buy them in the "cigarette" packs from Old Time Candy

These days, with governments frowning on tobacco but greedy for marijuana money, the kids would more likely puff them while pinching the candy to their lips, toking away like Mommy and Daddy. 

It's just weird, though, to see superhero-themed packages with candy cigarettes inside. I am old enough to remember when many of the adults around me smoked cigs, but even then, it was not something you'd see anyone in the comics doing except the bad guys. Well, maybe a few guys like Punisher or Wolverine or Constantine, but they were not particularly good guys. You'd certainly never associate smoking with Superman. 



  1. I have been told by reliable sources that not only did Superman smoke, but he smoked Hump Juniors.

  2. There was the bubble gum cigarettes too. There was a dusting of cornstarch or something you could blow out as "smoke".
