Monday, September 18, 2023

Auto lies.

Lies and Implied Lies I Have Told My Wife After Using Her Car

(Or Have I?)

The frangipane light came on.

I let the dog drive.

It's okay if not all four tires are completely round, right?

Pity I couldn't find the insurance card. That cop was getting sore.

I turned all the mirrors upside down, so now their reflection is upside down. 

The dog was smoking in the backseat but I told him to cut it out. 

First of all, let me say it wasn't all that long a walk home. 

People don't understand how hard it is to tell the oil cap from the wiper fluid cap.

I got the tires potated.

That AAA took forever to send someone.

I got that special gas out of the green-handled pump for you. It's more expensive, so I'm sure it's better.

I told the police officer I was you, identifying as male.

Really cool special effect, where smoke comes out of the vent when Metallica comes on.

I promise I will stop lying about the car.

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