Nevertheless, as a dog owner, I wonder what kind of a thief would be considered a dog burglar. I just wonder.... [Cue wavy fadeout as scene cuts to the sketch]
[Scene: Dead of night, Suburbia, USA]
Wife: What's that?
Hubs: HMph?
Wife: I heard something downstairs.
Hubs: Mmmblmm.
[Hubs schleps downstairs. At door SFX: scratch scratch]
Hubs: Huh? [Opens door]
Dog Burglar: Thanks thanks thanks! I was whining for hours and hours!
Hubs: Hey, wait--
DB: Can I come in? Thanks! Say, where do you keep your valuables? It smells great in here!
Hubs: Valuables? You got the wrong house, brother.
DB: There! [Opens fridge]
Hubs: That's what you want? You're hungry?
DB: Not really but -- Oh, wow! You got ham and turkey and even cheese! Okay if I steal some?
Hubs: Well, er...
[1 hour later]
Wife: What the hell's going on down here?
Hubs: Hi, honey! We're just having a little midnight snack.
Wife: At three a.m.?
Hubs: This is my new best friend, Finnegan.
DB: Hi, glad ta know ya. I love your house.
Wife: Uh... thanks? Hey, is that the leftover ham? That was supposed to be dinner tonight.
DB: Welp, gotta go! Thanks so much, Sam! I love you. And you too, Mrs. Sam! [exits promptly]
Hubs: What a nice guy.
Wife: Why did he steal one of my boots on the way out?
Someone who would steal a cat. Lowest of lows.