Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Logo trouble.

Hello, friends! It's your old pal Fred of Fredcoin, here to share one of our latest promotions. You can help us, and we can help you! It's the Fredcoin Way!

You're all familiar with our symbol, of course -- the Fredcoin coin with the smilin' founder on it. 

Accept no substitutes!

But now we're looking for a logo. I asked the senior executives to come up with some ideas, and their ideas were so bad I had to fire them. So I asked the boys in the mailroom to whip of a few logos, and here's what they sent in. 

Not bad, huh? They were told to use some trademark green, and I think they did a fine job. The first one has some retro cool; the second is sharp and easy to read. The third has a cute little slogan. There's something a little foreign and suave about the fourth one. And the fifth one, in addition to little green accents, uses Comic Sans. Who doesn't love Comic Sans? Only Hobo might be better. 

After long deliberation I decided to promote those mailroom guys to senior vice presidents, and after I decide which logo to use will fire the other four guys. So what do you think? If you choose the winner, we'll add fifty Fredcoin to your account! 


  1. Instead of Fredcoin, I would take a cue from yesterday's candy bar post and call it Whatthehellizzit.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
