Sunday, July 17, 2022

Done to death.

I'm telling you, these dogs are driving me crazy. You know, when I called the producer and said we were going to need a couple of dogs, I expected to get some with a little more pizzazz, you know, a little imagination, a little razzmatazz. Instead it's just the same old same old. 

Take, for example, the hydrant situation. 

At first I thought these guys would bring something new to the part, since they didn't urinate on the hydrant, but they kept sniffing at it like they were trying to get a dose of intranasal iron. 

It got worse from there -- lying around, barking at passersby, chewing sticks. All the dull clichés we've always seen. I thought they were showing a little spark of creativity when they didn't chase a squirrel, but it turned out they were just being lazy. 

After we wrapped for the day, I got to thinking that maybe they are method actors, and were getting too into the idea of Dog rather than bringing themselves to the part of Dog. So I texted one of them and asked what his motivation was with the hydrant business. He wrote, "sniffin stuf".

I can't work like this!

If these two don't show some chops, we're going to have to recast. I mean, they're fuzzy and adorable, sure, but adorable is a dime a dozen in this business. I want ACTING!

Maybe if I get a couple of cats to play the dogs... Hmm....

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