Thursday, March 17, 2022

TP taste test.

Finally climbing my way out of deadlines, my friends! But I can't let a Thursday pass without giving you something entertaining for your visit.

I was shaving at the mirror when junior dog Izzy paid me a friendly call. Then he set to work, quick as a wink. 

In less time than it took me to finish shaving with the electric razor, he had de-papered the toilet. He also took half the cardboard roll with him as a souvenir. 

This is, fortunately, not the crisis it might have been two years ago, those innocent days when we would stop the Chinese Death Virus in its tracks in two weeks and our biggest problem was the hoarders and wreckers who took all the toilet paper. While inflation runs rampant and supply issues still curdle our cream, at least we have plenty of Angel Soft and the like to go around. Losing a roll to the inquisitive chompers of Chew-Chew Charlie is not the worst thing that can happen, nor is TP the worst thing he has chewed upon. (The new iPhone is working out just fine, thanks for asking.)

But I'm not going to keep the bathroom door open while I'm shaving anymore. He has plenty of toys to abuse; he doesn't need to lay waste to the Quilted Northern too. 

Meanwhile, speaking of toilets, today is St. Patrick's Day, which means amateur day for many out there, especially among the youths. Be careful on the roads, and in public bathrooms, and anyplace where drunks may cause mayhem. 'Twould be a sin indeed for the great saint's day to be remembered for something awful that befell ye. And remember: Water may run in the gutter, but 'twill never put ye there. 

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