Saturday, January 22, 2022

Winter haikus.

Snow falls on the path
One flake, two flake, three flake, and
Oh my achin' back

Dog sits on the ice
Rejoicing in nature's bliss
He got a fur coat

My friend has moved south
Shows me pictures of beaches
He can go cram it

Some ski in winter
Some sled, some skate, and some board
I pay the gas bill

Snow is the only
Weather with which you can play
Gimme a yo-yo

I hate summer's heat
But I won't die picking it
Up with a shovel


  1. A daily dose of
    Vitamin Fred sure beats a
    coffee enema

  2. A daily dose of Vitamin Fred sure beats a
    coffee enema

    Yeah, all that milk & sugar kinda gums up the works. ;>
