Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Explosive chocolate.

We know what you want in your hot chocolate -- C-4! And that's why Frankford Candy has given us the HOT CHOCOLATE BOMBS!

I didn't buy these, but I would be darned if I didn't try one. Frankford Candy, located in the great city of Philadelphia, does a lot of co-branded candies (partners include Trolls, Cocoa Pebbles, Disney, and Marvel), including Dunkin' Donuts hot chocolate bombs. This was just sold under their own name, though, and given to me as a present.

The second-biggest selling point with these hot chocolate explosives is the quality of the chocolate, which we are informed is genuine Belgian milk chocolate. The main selling point, of course, is that it EXPLODES when combined with hot milk. The non-selling point is that the tiny marshmallows released in the ensuing carnage are made in China. Of all the things for them to get made in China, they got the marshmallows?  

Let's get to business. The bombs are very light for their size, and wrapped in foil.  

You put the bomb in a big cup and pour the milk over it. And... Nothing! 

Actually I think I didn't get the milk hot enough. However, when I tapped the bomb with a spoon... BOOM!

Well. All right, not that much of a boom. Anyhoo, then you just stir and stir and stir some more, and the chocolate dissolves into the hot milk and the tiny oblong marshmallows float on top.

Or not. Because the milk wasn't hot enough, a lot of the chocolate remained clumped up at the bottom. As you can imagine, I found it a true hardship to eat the delicious chocolate off a spoon. I managed to snag enough of the Chinese marshmallows to get a taste for them, and they tasted like typical American marshmallows. They want to melt fast, though, even in inadequately heated milk, so you have to get to them quickly.

On the whole, I enjoyed the bomb, and look forward to trying the Salted Caramel and Peppermint flavored ones. But I won't bother wearing my explosive ordnance disposal suit next time.

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