Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Where my head is. At.

Actually, this is pretty much the way I am all the time. Is it business? Busyness? Bidenness? Am I just so full of trivia that I can't make room for new data? I'm voting for the last option, as you can see.  


  1. Lately I feel I cannot read and retain any new policy, procedure, guidelines, etc. I like to to blame it on poor writing, but it is also my lack of desire to concentrate on such things. I just read enough to know what it covers and reference if and when I need it.

    Fred, I don't think you should be chasing the new intern around the office, I am sure I read that somewhere

  2. Many years ago, I decided that the brain was like a tabletop and memory a bunch of tiles (like Scrabble letters).
    Adding a memory (or partial memory) adds a tile to the tabletop. Eventually the tabletop is full and adding a new memory/partial pushes a previous memory/partial off the other end. Sometimes, adding one memory tile will cause a half-dozen tiles to be pushed off.

  3. Don't worry, Bear, the interns are all much faster than I am.
