Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Scenes from December 1.

It's December 1 and we're just gettin' this party started! Woo! So let's see what's going on so far this Christmas season. 

If you have been following this blog for a while, and God love you for it, you may recall that in 2019 the house pictured still had that Christmas wreath up in May. In fact, it didn't come down until August. One day in August it was just gone, and I thought it probably fell off or disintegrated. It didn't appear last Christmas, so that had to be the reason. Obviously not the case, because it's back, baby! 

It's funny to me because I imagined Dad saying, "You wanted to put that wreath up, you take it down!" And daughter saying, "I'll get to it." And August arrives and Dad angrily pulls it down and flings it away. But not so -- it's here again! 

The clock is ticking. Will it last until August 2021? 

Meanwhile, in the supermarket, It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas™, but Barney and Ben don't want hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots. 

They want Stretch Armstrong!  Stretch Armstrong is a sort of Plastic Man like hero doll action figure with the obvious appeal that his limbs and whatnot are stretchable and bendable. Kenner released the original Stretch in 1976, but I had no idea the old man was back, and in his original wrestling trunks look. I recommend the Wikipedia page on Stretch Armstrong, just to read about the bizarre film adaptations that have been in the works since 1994. 

What's new in the paper aisle? We always love to see normal products in seasonal packaging, right? Well, I do, anyway. Christmas up the whole joint! 
Um... I don't think Puffs tissues has really got the idea here. These were billed as the seasonal boxes -- and apparently they are, in the broadest sense:

I don't get it. There's nothing wintery about these boxes. The top one looks like a Google doodle celebrating rhythmic gymnastics and the bottom one looks like a birthday edition for people who cry at parties. This is what they're forgoing Christmas designs for? 

Looks like the geniuses at Procter & Gamble are at it again. They seem to like alienating their customers. I think P&G is in the control of a cabal that is trying to make the company fail. If so, good going, cabal! 

That's all I have so far, but we've not even scratched the surface yet. The supermarket was playing Greatest Hits of the Eighties when I was there Saturday and I got "Tempted" stuck in my head for hours. Next time Perry Como will probably have reemerged from beyond to sing "Silver Bells." We shall see. 


  1. Our Kroger plays music that I never would have dreamed of hearing in a supermarket when the music was current. The other day I heard (among other oddities) Alice Cooper's "I'm Eighteen",
    Kiss doing "Rock and Roll All Night", Emerson Lake and Palmer's "Lucky Man", Soundgarden doing "Black Hole Sun", Crosby Stills and Nash performing "Wooden Ships".

    I grew up hearing stuff like "Volare", "Baby Elephant Walk", and "The Candy Man". Hearing lyrics like "Horror grips us as we watch you die, all we can do is echo your anguished cries" while comparing oatmeal prices is unnerving.

  2. I hear you, Mongo -- I love Tull, but hearing "Aqualung" in the supermarket was all wrong. No one wants to hear "Snot is running down his nose" while perusing the dairy department.

  3. I'm usually listening to Rush or Glenn at Kroger, via my phone and ear buds.


  4. Not a bad idea, rbj, and you avoid hearing 19 times how much the store Cares About Your Safety.
