Thursday, December 31, 2020

Annus horribilis.

Begone, annus horribilis!

You’ve gone and made me scribble dis

You taxed me to the breaking point

You’ve made your godforsaken point

I hate your Chinese Viral Doom

That filled each ER waiting room

But Dandy Cuomo went one better:

“Let all da fogies die togeddah!”

Run to Walmart! Buy PPE!

Sanitizer! Lysol! TP! 

Small businesses by lockdowns rotted

What was left, the riots gotted

In the streets, the fire-bombah

Arrested, but sent home to momma.

And our fine health bureaucracy

Made errors far as eye could see

“Bigots worse than death!” they cried

And three hundred thirty-nine thousand died.

Then the election, where more folks voted

Than battleground states had voters toted

The counting stopped, strange votes came in

To let the cellar dweller win.

A terrible year by all accounts

And now as seething anger mounts

Congress tries to close the gate

By printing cash to stimulate

And form an economic bubble

Which always leads to fall and rubble.

Annus horribilis, out with you

And kiss my anus as you do.

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