Monday, July 27, 2020

These plants are made for walkin'.

If every day was not strange enough already, with Chinese Death Virus and unprosecuted violent mobs and Florida Man running amok, we have weird holidays to keep us on our toes. Worse, we sometimes have a confluence of weird holidays that seem to go together, but seem to not as well.

What I mean is, today, July 27, according to the fine folks at Holiday Insights, is the day we celebrate Take Your Pants for a Walk Day, Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day, AND Walk on Stilts Day. Three walking-based celebrations, but no obvious connection. Or IS there?

Here are the descriptions of the days:

Take Your Pants for a Walk Day: "It's an easy day to celebrate. Simply go for a walk. Unless you are wearing a dress or a skirt, you probably are wearing pants. So, by definition, as you walk, they come along."

Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day: "Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day is a great day for you and your houseplants to get some exercise. It will be good for them. It will allow you to bond with your plants, helping them to reach their maximum potential. Along the way, you can get your houseplant accustomed to your neighborhood!"

Walk on Stilts Day: "Stand out in a crowd by hopping onto a pair of stilts. If you are about to mount stilts for the first time, begin with a pair that is short... low to the ground. Once you've mastered your first pair of stilts, you can easily graduate to taller and taller ones."

If you celebrate holiday #2 with pants, you're also celebrating holiday #1. Way to go! If you wear a sun dress or kilt, or even shorts, you're letting down the side. Now get some stilts. I especially do not recommend walking on stilts in a kilt.

It might be tough to try to enact all three holidays together. Here's a little girl I saw online who seems to have the houseplants thing down, though:

And look! She's got pants!

I currently have only one potted plant going, or rather plants; back on June 13 they looked like this:

But now the cherry tomato plants look like this:

I ain't walking them anywhere.

But if I do walk, it will be in pants. So let's celebrate, and Sing the Praises of Pants!

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