Monday, April 13, 2020

The Easter Bunny is a loon.

Yesterday turned out to be a little crazy, even though we had no guests and went nowhere. So I am afraid I have only a couple of quick hits for you this morning. A small dose of VitaminFred, as it were.

1) The Easter Bunny is a loon.

Maybe that's not fair to that well-known lagomorph. because I don't actually know who did this:

Actual hard-boiled eggs along the strip of grass between the sidewalk and the road. They appear to have been decorated by youngsters with crayons. There were a number of them along the street. Two of them were out in from of my house. Why?

If someone was hoping to spread Easter joy, this is not a particularly good way to do it. In these pandemic times, no one wants to pick up food other people left around. And no one wants to eat something that's been left on the devil's strip. My dogs like to use that to leave little "eggs" of their own, so to speak.

Was it part of an Easter egg hunt? If so, the hunters were not too swift. The eggs outside my neighbor's house are still there this morning. I disposed of the ones outside my house. This is how you get ants. And maybe bears.

2) I just wanted it stated for the record, that even if I come down with COVID-19, a.k.a. Wuhan Flu, I do not want to go on the cart. I feel happy.

I think I'll go for a walk!

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