Thursday, March 26, 2020


"Mr. Xi, What's your method of destroying civilization?"

"Ancient Chinese secret."

"Xi Jinping! Some hotshot! Here's his 'ancient Chinese secret'..."

I know, I know; you must be this old⎺⎺ to ride this joke.

(I guess this joke also ruins my hope of ever getting a movie adaptation of one of my novels.)

(P.S.: It is not racist to point out the origin of the current disease crisis, especially since stupidity and wickedness helped turn it into a massive global problem. I feel like I should not even have to say that.)

(P.P.S.: Mr. Philbin writes that the Chinese people have probably suffered more from this disease by any measure than anyone else, and I think we'd know that to be true if their horrible government would release honest statistics. But their motto seems to be, Why tell the truth when a lie will do?)


  1. I'm afraid these days that pointing out ANYTHING is racist. Especially if you're a 50+ straight white male, just noticing things with your lying eyes is bad. Pointing them out is auto-da-fé material.

    Hope your back is holding up. The new book is engaging. I'm about one-third through. Evelyn Wood I'm not. How badly does that reference date me? :)

  2. Well, it's probably been a long time since Evelyn Wood Speed Reading courses were advertised on TV, but they're still going! Pryor Learning features them ( but is it necessary? I remember a comedian (don't remember which, though) saying in effect that an author might agonize over something simple for hours or days: "And or Or? And or Or?" Well, if you're racing toward it at 300 miles an hour you'll never notice the difference.

    And on that topic of commercials, that Calgon ad ran for years and took on a life of its own on the Internet. Do they even make Calgon laundry additive anymore?
