Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fall or Christmas?

All right, so what is it? Autumn? Winter? Christmas? It was 18 degrees Saturday morning... Fahrenheit! What is it?

Okay, this is definitely fall. Wait -- I took this on
October 28. Maybe it's too old.

Fall... I guess? I mean, the leaves fell off this thing
and left the berries behind, but it's not totally dead yet.

Aieeee! Halloween! Or winter!

Ordinary fall photo, in the wee hours.

Here's some nice fall foliage. Oh, crap -- this one
is from October too. 

Um... beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

And your little dog too.

It's taken over!!!

Basically it feels like a kind of weird season, because it's as cold as the middle of December but no one feels like the starter's gun has signaled the mad shopping dash for Christmas. On Thursday we had a ton of rain all day, very autumnal, but overnight the temperature plummeted and my umbrella froze out on the porch.

Iced umbrella, Friday morning.

So my analysis is: It may not be Christmas, but it sure ain't fall anymore.

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