Friday, October 4, 2019

The shape of things to come.

Well, here we are in the northeast. Someone hit the big PUMPKIN SPICE button, and now autumn is here -- it dropped thirty degrees in one day. Last night the low was 49; tonight, 37.

So here are some autumnal visions for you.

This one's kind of sad; the tree in the center is usually the most gorgeous tree I know come fall. The leaves turn a bright red-orange, and if you stand under it in the sunlight, it looks like a sunlit sky from some fantasy land. Instead, because of the weather -- too rainy, too hot, too dry, I don't know -- it's dropping its leaves immediately, before they've even turned. Sad!

Meanwhile, up the street, Muppet fruit is carpet-bombing the block. Got to give the chestnuts wide berth so the dogs don't step on those spiky outer sheaths. I know dogs have tough foot pads, but these things are painful.

Okay, this is not specifically a fall scene, but admit it -- CRP is about the perfect name for a dumpster company, isn't it?

Closer to home, I find myself a little unnerved by the psychedelic -- or should I say psycho-phallic -- fungus that popped up amid the mulch.

Of course I had to smash it. No, not because I can't take the competition. I didn't want to be reported for having a naughty Halloween display.

But if you think THAT was disturbing, here was the scene in the local Walgreens...



  1. Yes, CRP is a good name for a dumpster company because it's just three letters short of CORPSE.

  2. CRP is is resuscitation for dyslectics.
