Thursday, November 9, 2017

Learning with dogs.

Advice I Am Trying to Give My Dogs That My Folks Tried to Give Me

"Don't eat like a crazy person!"

"Don't eat that! It's bad for you!"

"Don't break things."

"If you break your toys, you can't play with them anymore."

"Just because you're playful doesn't mean your behavior is appropriate."

"When you act properly you get good things."

"You can't have everything you want and it would be bad for you if you could."

"Don't run out into traffic!"

"Just because you look grown-up doesn't mean you are grown-up."

"If it doesn't belong to you, leave it alone."

"If you're getting bullied, give it back to 'em."

"Don't be a jackass."

"If you don't know what it is, don't eat it."

"Just because it smells nice doesn't mean it IS nice."

"Don't dig up trouble. It will find you."

"Do your best to learn as much as you can when you're young."

"Pay attention to your folks. They know things you don't."

"Fun is not always worth the trouble it causes."

"Stay friendly, even when other people aren't."

"You can't have nice things and [children / dogs]."

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